iWind Renewables attended and supported the 6th Renewable & Storage Forum organized by energypress.gr and hosted at Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Centre on 31/10 - 01/11. Dr. Panagiotis Chaviaropoulos participated in the discussion of Section 10: Offshore RES Systems.
video1 video2 You can also watch the full session in Greek or English. The Workshop "Offshore Wind in Greece: Prospects and Challenges for the supply chain and a sustainable growth", organized by the Hellenic Wind Energy Association in collaboration with the Norwegian Offshore Wind cluster, took place on 23-24 November 2023. Dr. Panagiotis Chaviaropoulos contributed with a presentation titled "Defining a typical Greek offshore wind farm, reference turbine and a set of technical specifications needed for the supply chain" and coordinated the panel discussion "Status and Challenges for the supply chain for OW in Greece". Download the presentation and find links to the videos below. Presentation video Panel discussion ![]()
iWind Renewables was once again present in the 5th Renewable & Storage Forum organized by energypress.gr and hosted at the Athenaeum InterContinental.
On the second day of the forum, Dr. Panagiotis Chaviaropoulos participated in the discussion about "Offshore RES systems", while Alkis Milidis took part in the parallel session with a technical presentation titled "Optimal Sizing of Storage Systems for Hybrid RES-BESS Projects". Read the energypress.gr article Download the technical presentation We would like to inform our collaborators and clients that iWind Renewables has converted to the legal form of Société Anonyme (SA).
iWind Renewables participated in the 4th Renewable & Storage Forum organized by energypress.gr and hosted at Wyndham Grand Athens Hotel, with the presentation titled "Wind Farm and Battery Storage Systems Operation Optimization". ![]()
A new handbook on wind turbine aerodynamics has been made available recently. We are pleased that two of iWind's partners were invited to contribute to the "Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics". It is edited by well known experts in the field (Bernhard Stoevesandt, Gerard Schepers, Peter Fuglsang and Yuping Sun) and includes contributions from numerous industry and research experts.
The contributed chapters are "Economic Aspects of Wind Turbine Aerodynamics" and "Rotor Blade Design, Number of Blades, Performance Characteristics". The first chapter deals with the connection between LCoE (Levelized Cost of Energy) and technological selections and design aspects, with focus on rotor aerodynamics. The second one is related to the design of the blade planform and the choices about the main geometrical characteristics of the blade, namely chord, twist and blade thickness. Two research papers on floating wind turbines, prepared in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and Technical University of Munich (TUM) have been recently published online. “Vertical wake deflection for floating wind turbines by differential ballast control” presents a feasibility analysis of vertical wake steering for floating turbines by differential ballast control. The concept is based on the idea of pitching the floater with respect to the water surface, thereby achieving a desired tilt of the turbine rotor disk. The pitch attitude is controlled by moving water ballast among the columns of the floater. wes.copernicus.org/articles/7/1641/2022/wes-7-1641-2022.pdf ![]()
“Coupled Dynamic Response of an Offshore Multi-Purpose Floating Structure Suitable for Wind and Wave Energy Exploitation” presents the coupled analysis performed to design a TLP multi-purpose floater supporting a 10MW wind turbine and three oscillation water column (OWC) devices to extract power from the waves. doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2022.920151 ![]()
iWind has contributed to the paper "Wind Turbine Blade Design Optimization for Reduced LCoE, Focusing on Design-Driving Loads Due to Storm Conditions" that has been recently published online. In this work we establish a Multi-disciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) process to design optimum blades, in terms of LCoE. The optimization process handles design interventions of the blade’s inner structure based on combination of various passive load control methods aiming at i) suppressing aeroelastic instabilities at storm conditions and ii) reducing fatigue and ultimate loads in normal operation. www.mdpi.com/2311-5521/7/8/280/pdf?version=1660796267 ![]()
We are pleased to announce that our paper 'Assessment of Vortex Induced Vibrations on wind turbines' has been published online. In this work we present an engineering approach to perform Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) analysis of the entire (coupled) wind turbine configuration. VIV is the aero-elastic instability a structure undergoes when the cross flow oscillating lift force, due to shedding of vortices, resonates with one of the system's natural frequencies. Severe VIV occur when the shed vortices form a coherent wake structure, which in wind turbines requires the rotor either locked or in idling mode. In this respect, VIV rarely take place during normal operation but may appear under parked/idling conditions or during maintenance and assembly. The established framework applies to all low damped (rotor and tower) modeshapes that may suffer from VIV, including the 2nd tower modes of tall tower configurations with relatively low second tower frequency. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2257/1/012011 ![]()
WindEurope 2022 Annual Event is starting tomorrow at BILBAO EXHIBITION CENTRE and iWind will participate in session Blades: performance, recycling and circularity with a presentation on "Assessment of Vortex Induced Vibrations on wind turbines" (Tue, 5 April, 14:30 @ Luxua2 - Level3). Two posters will also be on display during the event. Check out: ![]()
Financing and developing energy projects in a free-market environment requires insight of the future wholesale energy prices. The wide variety of price-driving factors increases the difficulty in predicting the market state in the years to come. In this scope, iWind has developed a tool for price forecasting using Neural Networks algorithms. It uses historical values in the form of time-series and scenarios based on assumptions about the price-driving factors, to produce forecasted time-series for future Day-Ahead Market and Balancing Market prices. ![]()
Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are becoming essential for energy sufficiency and grid stability due to the increasing penetration of Renewable Energy Sources in the electric energy mix and their stochastic behavior. Due to the variety of installation options and a multitude of key parameters, it can be a challenge to plan the operational scheme of a grid-connected Battery ESS. To provide insight to the management of Battery ESS targeting to maximize its revenues, iWind has developed an optimization tool that addresses the planning of a Battery ESS operation. ![]()
The escalation of natural gas prices in 2021 dragged electricity prices to unprecedented levels due to the high participation of gas in the energy mix of European electricity systems. What was the effect of variable RES penetration on the formation of the market clearance prices (MCP) regarding the Greek market? What would be the MCP if the production from RES was absent from the energy mix? These questions are addressed in a study conducted by iWind on behalf of the Hellenic Wind Energy Association, which can be downloaded below. ![]()
iWind Renewables participated in the Renewable & Storage Forum organized by energypress.gr and hosted at Wyndham Grand Athens Hotel with the presentation titled “Technological developments in wind turbines and Greece's potential to utilize them”. Watch the video on youtube ![]()
iWind Renewables participated in TEM#93 (Topical Expert Meeting #93) of IEA Wind that was hosted on December 13th, at Risø Campus of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), in Rosklide, Denmark. TEM#93 on Life Extension of Wind Turbines was organized in the frame of IEA Wind Task11:Base Technology Exchange, aiming to begin the conversation about technical and scientific developments on the subject. Dr. Chaviaropoulos' presentation, titled "Remaining lifetime prediction modelling. A case-study", can be downloaded from the link below. ![]()
Ο νόμος 4414/2016 εισάγει νέες ρυθμίσεις που επηρεάζουν τα έσοδα των Αιολικών Σταθμών οι οποίοι εντάσσονται στο νέο καθεστώς στήριξης μέσω Συμβάσεων Λειτουργικής Ενίσχυσης Διαφορικής Προσαύξησης (Σ.Ε.Δ.Π.). Οι τεχνο-οικονομικές μελέτες που θα εκπονούνται για τους μελλοντικούς Σταθμούς θα απαιτούν μία λεπτομερέστερη και ακριβέστερη εκτίμηση των χρηματορροών τους. Για το σκοπό αυτό η iWind έχει αναπτύξει δύο νέα προϊόντα τα οποία, σε συνδυασμό με τις ενεργειακές της μελέτες, εκτιμούν τα αναμενόμενα μηνιαία έσοδα ενός Αιολικού Σταθμού Σ.Ε.Δ.Π. λαμβάνοντας υπόψη, πέραν της Τιμής Αναφοράς του και τη Λειτουργική του Ενίσχυση που συνδέεται με την Ειδική Τιμή Αγοράς, ενώ παράλληλα εκτιμούν την προγνωσιμότητα της ταχύτητας του ανέμου στον Αιολικό Σταθμό σε χρονικό ορίζοντα 1-36 ωρών. ![]()
Estimating Special Market Price for Wind Energy Dr. Panagiotis Chaviaropoulos, President of iWind, has prepared a technical note titled "Estimating Reference Wind Technology Market Prices for the Greek Interconnected Power System in the Period 2014-2017". ![]()
Panagiotis Chaviaropoulos on "Energy Week" 27/04/2018 Watch Dr. P. Chaviaropoulos' interview on "Energy Week" broadcast of SBC TV (in Greek).
Youtube video Energypress.gr article |