Services to Wind Farm Operators
Long-term energy yield assessment
We combine long term wind measurements and re-analysis databases with CFD numerical tools for micrositing and wind farm SCADA output to come up with a long-term assessment of a wind farm power performance and identify possible causes that hinder its maximization.
Wind farm lifetime estimation and re-powering studies
Application of DNV-GL guidelines (theoretical part) for estimating the expected service life of wind turbines, using our in-house aeroelastic solver and micrositing toolkit. Optimal re-powering strategies are also investigated.
Wind farm performance evaluation through SCADA analysis
Power curve analysis. Identification of directional and seasonal effects, reduced operation conditions. Sector management schemes assessment/proposal. Alarm logs analysis (Actual downtime calculation. Identification of defective components and conditions with sub-optimal operation.)
Failure root cause analysis
Tailor-made investigation of failure incidents through aeroelastic simulations and SCADA analysis. Properly tuned generic WT servo-aero-elastic models are used to reproduce the failure incident with our in-house aero-elastic solver.