iWind Renewables participated in TEM#93 (Topical Expert Meeting #93) of IEA Wind that was hosted on December 13th, at Risø Campus of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), in Rosklide, Denmark.
TEM#93 on Life Extension of Wind Turbines was organized in the frame of IEA Wind Task11:Base Technology Exchange, aiming to begin the conversation about technical and scientific developments on the subject.
Dr. Chaviaropoulos' presentation, titled "Remaining lifetime prediction modelling. A case-study", can be downloaded from the link below.
TEM#93 on Life Extension of Wind Turbines was organized in the frame of IEA Wind Task11:Base Technology Exchange, aiming to begin the conversation about technical and scientific developments on the subject.
Dr. Chaviaropoulos' presentation, titled "Remaining lifetime prediction modelling. A case-study", can be downloaded from the link below.

remaining_lifetime_prediction_modelling_chaviaropoulos.pdf |

program_tem93.pdf |